Tongue Tie Practitioner
A tongue tie, also known as ankyloglossia, is diagnosed when the thin membrane under the tongue, the frenulum, reduces tongue function making it difficult for babies to breast or bottle feed.
Yes, bottle fed babies can have difficulties feeding with reduced tongue function. These babies can benefit from having a tongue tie release, frenulotomy. Not all babies with a visible frenulum have a tongue tie.
These are some of the symptoms that could be experienced by mum and baby.
- Mum might experience sore or damaged nipples, misshapen or blanched nipples after feeding, mastitis, low milk supply
- Baby might experience difficulty opening the mouth wide enough, shallow latch, short & frequent or extremely long feeds, clicking and or dribbling when feeding, reflux, excessive weight loss, slow weight gain
- Difficulty latching or staying latched to breast or bottle
A Tongue Tie Division with a Lactation Consultant can make a huge difference to your breastfeeding journey.
I provide the convenience of home visits or a clinic for your tongue tie appointments. Please see the Prices page for further details.
Continuity of support available remotely for as long as needed to ensure that as changes happen your confidence in recognising normality grows.